Saturday, June 21, 2008


Nepali tourism night organized in Egypt
June 11, 2008
The Embassy of Nepal in Egypt, in close cooperation with Ismailia Chamber of Commerce, organized "Nepal Tourism Night" in Ismailia, Egypt on June 8, 2008 with the aim of promoting Nepalese tourism, trade and foreign investment in Nepal. The program was inaugurated by H. E. General Salah Khatab, Secretary General of Ismailia Governorate of Egypt. Adressing the function he expressed his hope that the program would contribute to the promotion of Nepalese tourism in Egypt as well as open opportunities of more bilateral trade and investment.

Delivering welcome speech on the occasion, H. E. Dr. Rambhakta P. B. Thakur, Ambassador of Nepal to the Arab republic of Egypt, highlighted different aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment as well as incentives available there. Terming Nepal as an incomparable meeting point of tourism, culture and natural excellence, he called on the Egyptians to explore them.

At the program, an audio visual presentation on various aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment opportunities was also made. The program attended by distinguished personalities, government officials, businessmen, journalists, media representatives, travel agents and tour operators was followed by the screening of Nepalese touristic films and a dinner.

Appa atop for 18th times, 5 Nepali women scale Everest together
Appa Sherpa, smashing his own world record, climbed Mt Everest for the 18th time on May 22, 2008 when 75 more climbers made it atop the highest peak on the planet. This is a single day record for the Nepali side.

Appa, along with his team member, scaled the 8,848 meter mountain early morning, said Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of Nepal Mountaineering Association. A veteran guide, he is part of the Eco-Everest Expedition, which aims at highlighting the impact of glacial melt and global warming in the Himalayas.

For the first time in Nepal's mountaineering history, five Members of First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 have suscessfully climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation on May 22, 2008. Ms. Susmita Maskey, Ms. Maya Gurung, Ms. Nwang Phuti Sherpa, Ms. Pemba Diki Sherpa and Ms. Poojan Acharya are among the 10 members who climbed the Mt. Everest today. Five High Altitude Workers from the team: Mr. Pemba Dorje Sherpa, Mr. Kaji Sherpa, Mr. Phurba Tenzing Sherpa, Mr. Ang Gelu Sherpa and Mr. Karma Gyelije Sherpa also climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008 along with the team.

The 10 Inclusive Women Members First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 Team was permitted to climb the Mt. Everest from Normal Route for the period of 75 days from April 16, 2008 under the leadership of Ms. Susmita Maskey. The Government of Nepal waived all royalties equivalent to US$ 100,000(One Hundred Thousand and has granted financial assistance of Nrs. 10,00,000( Ten Hundred Thousand) to this team.

Also on May 22, 2008, 75 persons from seven expeditions scaled the peak. They are: Five-member team of David C Morton (USA), seven-member team of David Allen Hahn (USA), three-member team of Gu Hyung Jun (Korea), 18-member team of Ashok Abbay (India), eight-member team of James S Mc-Guinness (New Zealand), 12-member team of Vididnan Rojanapnich (Thailand), 22-member team of Atul Karwar and Shridhar Pokhariyal (India).

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