Thursday, June 26, 2008


KATHMANDU, June 26 - The government tabled a 22-point constitution amendment proposal, which includes electing president, vice-president and prime minister through a simple majority and constitution amendment bill, at Parliamentary Secretariat on Thursday morning.
The Council of Ministers had passed the Fifth Amendment bill to interim constitution after ratifying the 22–point agreement reached among the Seven Party Alliance (SPA).

The statute amendment proposal will be presented at today’s meeting of Constituent Assembly (CA), in its capacity as the legislative parliament, for discussion.

After marathon dialogue on ending the political deadlock, the political parties still remain divided over the structure of the Security Council.

Nepali Congress (NC), Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF), Terai-Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP), CPN-ML and United Left Front have been maintaining their stance that opposition leaders must be inducted in the Security Council, whereas CPN- Maoist and CPN-UML are against the proposal.

Given that the UML and the Maoist Ministers have resigned from the government and the NC holds the majority at cabinet, the NC will now be forwarding the amendment bill including the provision of inducting opposition leader in the Security Council.

However, chances of the government proposal being passed remain slim since CA members representing the UML and the Maoist are enough to form a majority

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