Saturday, June 28, 2008

Madhesi meeting on sunday

KATHMANDU, June 28 - Saturday’s Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting was suspended immediately after it began after Madhesi lawmakers chanted slogans and picketed the rostrum.
The meeting has been called for 2 PM Sunday.

The disgruntled CA members of three Madhes-based parties obstructed today’s CA accusing the government of acting indifferently to key Madhes demands.

As part of their protests, the lawmakers also pressed the government to include the points of agreement—reached with the government in February last year—in the fifth constitution amendment proposal.

Earlier today, coordinator of the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) Upendra Yadav said that the issue of an autonomous Terai, approved by the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) in the 22-point agreement, cannot be termed unacceptable now.

The coalition government and the MPRF had reached a 22-point agreement on August 30 last year which mentions ensuring a federal state structure with autonomy without affecting national sovereignty and integrity.

In his speech in Birgunj, MPRF chief Yadav warned of resorting to firm protests if the government ignores the deals reached earlier and acts indifferent towards the demands raised by Madhes-based parties.

Also today, the SPA meeting held at the Prime Minister’s official residence at Baluwatar in the capital to seek a solution to the new political crisis could not arrive at a common viewpoint regarding the implementation of the Madhesi demands after the Madhesi parties stuck to their stance, a source reported.

Emerging from the meeting, CPN-Maoist leader Dev Gurung said although the Madhes-based parties have not budged from their demands, they have agreed not to disrupt the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly.

The top leaders of the SPA held the meeting today following the Madhesi lawmakers’ warning to prevent the CA meets from convening if their demands go unaddressed.

The Madhesi lawmakers had disrupted the parliamentary proceedings of the Constituent Assembly (CA) held in the capacity of the legislative parliament on Thursday also.

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