Sunday, June 29, 2008

About tourism

Adventure travel to remote locations around the world; mountaineering in the Himalayas, trekking through the Andes and climbing the Rockies is now not just the domain of a select few, indeed more and more people from all walks of life are venturing into the world's majestic wilderness locations to re-acquaint themselves with nature.

Whilst this may well be a soul rejuvenating experience it can also come at a high price. More than one person over the years has succumbed to the effects of "AMS" or Acute Mountain Sickness. Athletes have long known that to perform to their full potential they need to spend a minimum of 2-3 weeks acclimatising to the "thinner" air at elevations of 1400 metres and above. For mountaineers attempting to summit peaks of the world's great mountains (often at elevations of greater than 7000 metres) spending extended periods of time trekking up to progressively higher altitudes to accustom their bodies to the rigours of high altitude exposure, before returning to lower lying areas to recover, has been the only way to achieve these objectives.

Ambient air at sea-level (ie. at a pressure of 760mmHg) contains 20.9% Oxygen and about 79% Nitrogen with the remainder being a mixture of gases known as Argon. At 3000 metres of elevation the Oxygen (Nitrogen and Argon) content of the air remains constant, however the pressure gradient decreases effectively only allowing us access to about 14.5% Oxygen. The higher you go, the "thinner" the air becomes as the partial pressure decreases. At 6500 metres the Oxygen availability approximates less than half that which is available at sea-level.

The human body is however a highly adaptive mechanism and over time, in many instances, can be taught to cope with this lower Oxygen availability. However get that adaptation process wrong at an altitude of 5000 metres and the consequences can be fatal.

That was of course until recently.

Now the potential to assess a person's susceptibility to being adversely affected by altitude can be done before they even leave sea-level with the use of a go2altitude hypoxicator.

First used in the mid 1980's in the Russian aero-space program to prepare fighter pilots and cosmonauts for the rigours of extreme altitude exposure, these devices are now successfully being used throughout the world by mountaineers, trekkers and climbers to prepare for high altitude exposures of up to 6500 metres before even leaving sea-level.

Using an hypoxicator prior to travelling to altitude provides two distinct safeguards:

Firstly, it provides a safe and practical method of assessing those individuals who may be susceptible to the adverse (and potentially catastrophic) effects of moving from sea-level directly to altitude.

Secondly, it provides a practical and cost effective mechanism to safely acclimatise at home, over a 3-4 week period, before travelling to high altitude locations around the world.
"IHT" or Intermittent Hypoxic Training is a scientifically proven method helping to ensure that upon arrival at altitudes of up to 6,500 metres (ie. Well beyond the level of the Base Camp at Mount Everest) individuals are acclimatised to the rigours of high altitude exposure, minimising risks to their safety.

How does it work?

IHT is the most advanced form of "altitude" training where the "dose" of altitude can be controlled via the use of pulse oximetry (ie. a device with a finger clip sensor that monitors the concentration of oxygen in the blood via a light sensitive beam).

IHT exposes the recipient to "hypoxic air" containing 16 - 9% oxygen (equating to an altitude exposure of 2,000 to 6,500 metres above sea level) intermittently at 4-6 minute intervals alternated with breathing normal (sea-level). The 45-90 minute session is conducted once or twice a day while the participant sits comfortably, perhaps while reading or watching television. A course of acclimatisation requires 15 – 20 sessions.

Exposure to altitude in the aforementioned manner stimulates the various biochemical and physiological adaptations necessary to ensure an increased oxygen carrying capacity within the body, ensuring the user is adapted to the altitude of the proposed destination before even leaving sea-level

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Madhesi meeting on sunday

KATHMANDU, June 28 - Saturday’s Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting was suspended immediately after it began after Madhesi lawmakers chanted slogans and picketed the rostrum.
The meeting has been called for 2 PM Sunday.

The disgruntled CA members of three Madhes-based parties obstructed today’s CA accusing the government of acting indifferently to key Madhes demands.

As part of their protests, the lawmakers also pressed the government to include the points of agreement—reached with the government in February last year—in the fifth constitution amendment proposal.

Earlier today, coordinator of the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) Upendra Yadav said that the issue of an autonomous Terai, approved by the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) in the 22-point agreement, cannot be termed unacceptable now.

The coalition government and the MPRF had reached a 22-point agreement on August 30 last year which mentions ensuring a federal state structure with autonomy without affecting national sovereignty and integrity.

In his speech in Birgunj, MPRF chief Yadav warned of resorting to firm protests if the government ignores the deals reached earlier and acts indifferent towards the demands raised by Madhes-based parties.

Also today, the SPA meeting held at the Prime Minister’s official residence at Baluwatar in the capital to seek a solution to the new political crisis could not arrive at a common viewpoint regarding the implementation of the Madhesi demands after the Madhesi parties stuck to their stance, a source reported.

Emerging from the meeting, CPN-Maoist leader Dev Gurung said although the Madhes-based parties have not budged from their demands, they have agreed not to disrupt the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly.

The top leaders of the SPA held the meeting today following the Madhesi lawmakers’ warning to prevent the CA meets from convening if their demands go unaddressed.

The Madhesi lawmakers had disrupted the parliamentary proceedings of the Constituent Assembly (CA) held in the capacity of the legislative parliament on Thursday also.


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Friday, June 27, 2008


KATHMANDU, June 27 - Nepali inflation is picking up pace and inching close to double-digit figures, threatening to make some serious dent in the household budget of consumers. Fresh data released by the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) shows that the inflation based on the consumer price index rose to 9.2 percent in mid-May, the tenth month of the current fiscal year, up from 4.6 percent of the same time last year.
The central bank said the rising prices of food items led to the rise. Still, the inflation based on wholesale price index increased to 10.1 percent.

NRB officials said inflation would further rise in the coming months, as the recent price hike of petroleum products would have to be considered.

On the import front, a rise of 21 percent was seen as people consumed more on the back of healthy inflow of remittance.

NRB said there had been significant rise in import of petroleum products, MS billet, vehicles and spare parts, gold, telecommunication equipment, videos, television and parts.

However, exports fell by 1.2 percent, widening the trade deficit. Of the total exports, the country experienced a decline of 7.5 percent in exports with India due to a fall in the export of vegetable ghee, textiles, chemicals, rosin and toothpaste.

Exports to other countries except India grew by 13 percent compared to a decline of 3.1 percent in the same period last year, on the back of increase in export of pulses, Nepali paper and paper products, herbs, wheat, packing materials of paper, cigarettes, electric wire and stationary, NRB officials said.

There is something to cheer about for the economy. The flow of remittance grew by 35.3 percent to Rs 108.64 billion. During the same period last year, remittance had gone up by just 3.1 percent.

As a result of the huge influx of remittance, Nepal's foreign exchange reserves increased by 19.3 percent to Rs 197.03 billion. The central bank said the current level of reserves is adequate for financing merchandise imports for 10.6 months, and merchandise and service imports for 8.6 months.

On the budgetary front, the government budget deficit was Rs 6.4 billion during that period, compared to a surplus of Rs 2.86 billion. To meet the growing requirement of Indian currency, NRB purchased the Indian units worth Rs 77.27 billion through a sale of US$ 1.21 billion.

The country received foreign cash grants of Rs 13.68 billion to boost development activities. It had got Rs 12.62 billion in the same period last year.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


KATHMANDU, June 26 - The government tabled a 22-point constitution amendment proposal, which includes electing president, vice-president and prime minister through a simple majority and constitution amendment bill, at Parliamentary Secretariat on Thursday morning.
The Council of Ministers had passed the Fifth Amendment bill to interim constitution after ratifying the 22–point agreement reached among the Seven Party Alliance (SPA).

The statute amendment proposal will be presented at today’s meeting of Constituent Assembly (CA), in its capacity as the legislative parliament, for discussion.

After marathon dialogue on ending the political deadlock, the political parties still remain divided over the structure of the Security Council.

Nepali Congress (NC), Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF), Terai-Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP), CPN-ML and United Left Front have been maintaining their stance that opposition leaders must be inducted in the Security Council, whereas CPN- Maoist and CPN-UML are against the proposal.

Given that the UML and the Maoist Ministers have resigned from the government and the NC holds the majority at cabinet, the NC will now be forwarding the amendment bill including the provision of inducting opposition leader in the Security Council.

However, chances of the government proposal being passed remain slim since CA members representing the UML and the Maoist are enough to form a majority

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Nepali tourism night organized in Egypt
June 11, 2008
The Embassy of Nepal in Egypt, in close cooperation with Ismailia Chamber of Commerce, organized "Nepal Tourism Night" in Ismailia, Egypt on June 8, 2008 with the aim of promoting Nepalese tourism, trade and foreign investment in Nepal. The program was inaugurated by H. E. General Salah Khatab, Secretary General of Ismailia Governorate of Egypt. Adressing the function he expressed his hope that the program would contribute to the promotion of Nepalese tourism in Egypt as well as open opportunities of more bilateral trade and investment.

Delivering welcome speech on the occasion, H. E. Dr. Rambhakta P. B. Thakur, Ambassador of Nepal to the Arab republic of Egypt, highlighted different aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment as well as incentives available there. Terming Nepal as an incomparable meeting point of tourism, culture and natural excellence, he called on the Egyptians to explore them.

At the program, an audio visual presentation on various aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment opportunities was also made. The program attended by distinguished personalities, government officials, businessmen, journalists, media representatives, travel agents and tour operators was followed by the screening of Nepalese touristic films and a dinner.

Appa atop for 18th times, 5 Nepali women scale Everest together
Appa Sherpa, smashing his own world record, climbed Mt Everest for the 18th time on May 22, 2008 when 75 more climbers made it atop the highest peak on the planet. This is a single day record for the Nepali side.

Appa, along with his team member, scaled the 8,848 meter mountain early morning, said Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of Nepal Mountaineering Association. A veteran guide, he is part of the Eco-Everest Expedition, which aims at highlighting the impact of glacial melt and global warming in the Himalayas.

For the first time in Nepal's mountaineering history, five Members of First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 have suscessfully climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation on May 22, 2008. Ms. Susmita Maskey, Ms. Maya Gurung, Ms. Nwang Phuti Sherpa, Ms. Pemba Diki Sherpa and Ms. Poojan Acharya are among the 10 members who climbed the Mt. Everest today. Five High Altitude Workers from the team: Mr. Pemba Dorje Sherpa, Mr. Kaji Sherpa, Mr. Phurba Tenzing Sherpa, Mr. Ang Gelu Sherpa and Mr. Karma Gyelije Sherpa also climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008 along with the team.

The 10 Inclusive Women Members First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 Team was permitted to climb the Mt. Everest from Normal Route for the period of 75 days from April 16, 2008 under the leadership of Ms. Susmita Maskey. The Government of Nepal waived all royalties equivalent to US$ 100,000(One Hundred Thousand and has granted financial assistance of Nrs. 10,00,000( Ten Hundred Thousand) to this team.

Also on May 22, 2008, 75 persons from seven expeditions scaled the peak. They are: Five-member team of David C Morton (USA), seven-member team of David Allen Hahn (USA), three-member team of Gu Hyung Jun (Korea), 18-member team of Ashok Abbay (India), eight-member team of James S Mc-Guinness (New Zealand), 12-member team of Vididnan Rojanapnich (Thailand), 22-member team of Atul Karwar and Shridhar Pokhariyal (India).


Nepali tourism night organized in Egypt
June 11, 2008
The Embassy of Nepal in Egypt, in close cooperation with Ismailia Chamber of Commerce, organized "Nepal Tourism Night" in Ismailia, Egypt on June 8, 2008 with the aim of promoting Nepalese tourism, trade and foreign investment in Nepal. The program was inaugurated by H. E. General Salah Khatab, Secretary General of Ismailia Governorate of Egypt. Adressing the function he expressed his hope that the program would contribute to the promotion of Nepalese tourism in Egypt as well as open opportunities of more bilateral trade and investment.

Delivering welcome speech on the occasion, H. E. Dr. Rambhakta P. B. Thakur, Ambassador of Nepal to the Arab republic of Egypt, highlighted different aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment as well as incentives available there. Terming Nepal as an incomparable meeting point of tourism, culture and natural excellence, he called on the Egyptians to explore them.

At the program, an audio visual presentation on various aspects of Nepalese tourism, trade and investment opportunities was also made. The program attended by distinguished personalities, government officials, businessmen, journalists, media representatives, travel agents and tour operators was followed by the screening of Nepalese touristic films and a dinner.

Appa atop for 18th times, 5 Nepali women scale Everest together
Appa Sherpa, smashing his own world record, climbed Mt Everest for the 18th time on May 22, 2008 when 75 more climbers made it atop the highest peak on the planet. This is a single day record for the Nepali side.

Appa, along with his team member, scaled the 8,848 meter mountain early morning, said Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of Nepal Mountaineering Association. A veteran guide, he is part of the Eco-Everest Expedition, which aims at highlighting the impact of glacial melt and global warming in the Himalayas.

For the first time in Nepal's mountaineering history, five Members of First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 have suscessfully climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation on May 22, 2008. Ms. Susmita Maskey, Ms. Maya Gurung, Ms. Nwang Phuti Sherpa, Ms. Pemba Diki Sherpa and Ms. Poojan Acharya are among the 10 members who climbed the Mt. Everest today. Five High Altitude Workers from the team: Mr. Pemba Dorje Sherpa, Mr. Kaji Sherpa, Mr. Phurba Tenzing Sherpa, Mr. Ang Gelu Sherpa and Mr. Karma Gyelije Sherpa also climbed the Mt. Everest on May 22, 2008 along with the team.

The 10 Inclusive Women Members First Inclusive Women Sagarmatha Expedition 2008 Team was permitted to climb the Mt. Everest from Normal Route for the period of 75 days from April 16, 2008 under the leadership of Ms. Susmita Maskey. The Government of Nepal waived all royalties equivalent to US$ 100,000(One Hundred Thousand and has granted financial assistance of Nrs. 10,00,000( Ten Hundred Thousand) to this team.

Also on May 22, 2008, 75 persons from seven expeditions scaled the peak. They are: Five-member team of David C Morton (USA), seven-member team of David Allen Hahn (USA), three-member team of Gu Hyung Jun (Korea), 18-member team of Ashok Abbay (India), eight-member team of James S Mc-Guinness (New Zealand), 12-member team of Vididnan Rojanapnich (Thailand), 22-member team of Atul Karwar and Shridhar Pokhariyal (India).

Thursday, June 19, 2008


KATHMANDU, June 20 - Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala on Thursday offered to step down if the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) asked him to do so and said Nepali Congress was ready to take up the role of main opposition.
But the five fringe parties in the alliance said the SPA should continue the politics of consensus and the parties should reach a package agreement on key issues.

CPN (ML), People's Front Nepal, Nepal Workers and Peasants Party and Nepal Sadbhawana Party also said the prime minister should remain in the post at least until a political settlement is reached. The two larger parties-- Maoists and UML-- however did not react to the prime minister's offer.

During the SPA meeting at the PM's residence in Baluwatar, Maoists, backed by UML, proposed that the issue of presidential candidate should be settled through Constituent Assembly following an amendment to the constitution.

"But we (five political parties) said that all issues including nomination of 26 members in the Constituent Assembly should be dealt with in a package," said Chairman of CPN-ML CP Mainali.

He said the five political parties argued that there would be a new polarization in politics if the current consensus broke down.

"Power should be shared among major political parties as per the people's mandate," Mainali said, adding, "People have given a mandate to the Maoists to take the first choice while NC and UML are left to pick up the second and third choices respectively among President, Prime Minister and Chair of the Constituent Assembly."

He also charged that UML was playing the politics of opportunism. "The UML, being the third largest political party, shouldn't have tried to take a chance for the post of president," he said.

Since five of the seven political parties held their stance to settle all key issues --amendment to constitution, implementation of peace agreement and power sharing-- in a package, the protracted meeting failed to reach consensus.

The meeting then directed a seven-party task force to prepare a consensus package Friday afternoon and submit it at the SPA meeting at 3 pm.

Thursday's meeting decided to settle the integration of armies-- Nepali Army and People's Liberation Army--in three months' time. A special committee of experts and representatives of political parties will follow standard norms to integrate PLA combatants into the national army.

NC leaders have proposed that integration of PLA should be based on the one-combatant-one arm formula, meaning that only combatants who have arms could join the national army. However, the Maoists insisted that all combatants should be integrated in the national army and separate battalions of former PLA should be formed. The meeting agreed to let the special committee take a decision on the integration of armies.

During the meeting, small leftist parties in the SPA criticized big parties for failing to control foreign intervention in Nepal's internal affairs.

United Left Front and Nepal Workers and Peasants Party leaders said it was unfortunate for the country that Indian political parties and ambassadors should start dictating to Nepal's parties in every aspect of government formation.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Tangyue Village is located near the southern foot of Huangshan Mountain is famous for its memorial archways (gates). More than 250 arches were constructed here during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Over 80 of these magnificent arches are still in good condition. The most notable are the Xuguo Stone Arch, and the set of seven Tangyue Memorial Arches, which were listed as a Key National Culture Protection Unit by the Chinese government.

The stone archway is a unique architectural form in China. They were built from many different materials including: wood, stone, and glazed tile. Each arch is built without the use of fasteners. They were ingeniously built using a mortise and tendon system, and were held together for centuries simply by their massive weight. They were usually erected at the entrance to a town, or a street. They were designed as the embodiment of moral standards. They were built to honor individuals who made great contributions to the dynasty, or were considered role models. The design and construction of each arch had to follow a rigid hierarchy. The number of pillars that supported the arch, the words, and designs carved into them were closely associated with the status of the person honored.


Enjoy Snow in Huangshan

The snows that blanket Huangshan Mountain differ from snow found anywhere else in the world. It is still white, and cold and composed of an uncountable number of beautiful snowflakes. What makes Huangshan Mountain's snow different is the magic that occurs when the snow settles on the ancient pines, rocks, and pools of Huangshan Mountain. It forms a perfect union that makes this already amazing area even more beautiful.

The snow on Huangshan Mountain changes the appearance of the mountain and ads a new dimension to it

Snow forming on trees and rocks make everything look like a crystal wonderland
Sunsets on Huangshan

The sunsets on Huangshan Mountain are unforgettable. It is a photographer's paradise and one of the most outstanding features of Huangshan Mountain.

The beautiful sunset on Huangshan Mountain

Want to Take a Huangshan Tour

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN) was formed and registered with the Kathmandu CDO Office in 1979 by a handful of trekking agents who realized that it was time to assemble and create an umbrella organization. Under which they could work together to meet their common goals and also assist the government by providing suggestions to develop trekking business into a revenue generating industry. Such a body was necessary for many reasons.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

About treaking

Are You A Trekker?
Trekkers' Information Management System(TIMS)
Nepal, aptly, has been called 'a Trekker's Paradise'. Its high standing mountains, scenic hills and the luxuriant Terai offers some of the most spectacular trekking routes in the world. Passing through the diverse culture and nature, trekking in Nepal is a life-time experience which involves a certain degree of physical risks owing to the rugged topography.

With the distinction of Nepal as a trekking destination and its growing charm, a provision of Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) has been implemented to control illegal trekking operations and ensure safety and security of the trekkers in general trekking areas through the mechanism of Prompt Information Service as and when required .

The past experiences have shown that difficulties have been faced while carrying out rescue operations promptly during the times of accidents and natural calamities. Because of lack of proper record system of trekkers, their exact whereabouts and the information about trekking routes, rescue and search missions used to face difficulties in spotting the trekkers missing.

The provision of Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) has come into force from Jan 01, 2008. Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) have started recording trekkers detail and issuing TIMS Card to trekkers.

Where & how to obtain TIMS Card ?
The visiting tourists, who are interested to general trekking areas of Nepal, are required to receive TIMS Card through any one of the following:

Kathmandu (NTB Office, TAAN Office, and Government registered trekking Companies), and
Pokhara (NTB Office, TAAN Office, and Government registered trekking Companies)
Opening Hour/s: TIMS counter at Government registered trekking Companies will remain open 12 hours a day all the seven days a week round the year,
TIMS counter at TAAN/NTB Office will follow government working hour/days.
To obtain TIMS Card you need copy of Passport and two copies of Passport-size Photographs.

Why is TIMS Necessary?
The following considerations have been taken into account in the process of issuing TIMS:

All important details of trekkers and trekking routes shall be maintained on a computerized Database Management System that may be useful for safety and security of trekkers. To help carry out search and rescue operations for trekkers in case of natural calamities and other accidents by means of Authentic Information Service . To maintain a record system that includes personal details of trekkers, trekking area, trekking routes, handling agencies, duration, etc. The data generated from the system will be useful to all stakeholders:- tourism organizations, Government agencies, diplomatic missions, tour operators, research institute, etc.
Unauthorized trekking operations will be controlled, thus, resulting into better management of trekking service and in benefit of all concerned :- trekkers, agencies, field staff, Government, etc. and also occasional untoward incidents will be better prevented.
To upgrade the service standard and contribute for better management of sustainable mountain tourism development of Nepal.

TIMS will not be required for:
The expedition members permitted to climb the mountains.
The visitors in the controlled areas permitted by the Department of Immigration.
The foreign guests invited by the Government of Nepal.
The authorities from different diplomatic missions in the country, who is holding official letter/s and traveling own risk .
Visitors on certain mission recommended by the concerned department of the Government.
Foreign Nationals having the residential visa.

Monday, June 9, 2008


shopping Husband Mart
A store that sells husbands has just opened in Ottawa where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men. The store is comprised of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building.

Bad Butler
The wife wasn't having a good time at the party. So, she came home early, alone. Her husband stayed on, socializing with important clients. As the woman walked into her house, she found Jervis by himself in the dining room. She called him to follow her, and led him into the master bedroom.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

About Rara lake

Today, when the lake is fighting a war for its existence and its lost beauty, the only the thing that we are able to do is watch and speed it to death. The lake is covered with the aquatic weeds and more than that the water is getting polluted day by day. Many NGOs and INGOs shows their interest on these issues but once that get bank for these issues, the issues just remain a issue.