Sunday, August 31, 2008


KATHMANDU, Sept 1 - Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said restoring peace, formulation of new constitution and economic development are the main challenges and opportunities for the new government.
PM Dahal was speaking on Sunday at an economic summit on 'Double Digit Growth: A National Commitment' organized by Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) in the capital.

"We are committed to bring the peace process to a logical conclusion within six months and the new constitution will have to be drafted in two years, then we will concentrate on economic development," Dahal said. "But achieving these three things are both challenges and opportunities for us," said Dahal.

"The new constitution will be a document against feudalism," Dahal, who is also the chief of former Maoist rebels, said.

At a time when international communities are skeptical about the Maoist led government's economic policy, Dahal clarified that the newly formed government was committed to the current international economic phenomena - liberalization, privatization and globalization.

"But, it is challenging for us to utilize these for people's welfare and economic development of our country," added Dahal.

Stating that international communities are both skeptical and optimistic about the present government, he said the government will be effortful to win their confidence in the days to come by spurring economic growth. He also stressed the need for equal private and public sector involvement in economic development.

"We have no dearth of resources, what we need are vision and planning for investment, so we are committed to creating conducive environment for investment," said Dahal. Dahal, who visited China recently, said there are high possibilities of formulating common understanding with China and India for Nepal's prosperity.

Jhalanath Khanal, general secretary of CPN (UML) underlined the need to devise long and short term national vision to achieve economic growth in a short span of time.

He categorically mentioned hydro power, tourism, agriculture and industrialization as tools for economic development.

"We have to eliminate feudalism in the agriculture sector through scientific land reform," added Khanal.

Binod Kumar Chaudhary, president of CNI, urged that economic agendas should be put at the center in the task of building 'prosperous new Nepal' through collective strength of the government, political parties and their sister organizations.

Chaudhary said social and political stability cannot be gained in the absence of economic prosperity as both aspects are complementary.

He stressed the need to increase national investment significantly in order to raise the income level of Nepali people.

"Annual national investment has to rise to Rs 400 billion from Rs 176 billion in the next 10 years to increase per person monthly income to Rs 12,000 from the existing Rs 3,500," he said.

He made it clear that the summit was organized in a bid to explore ways to arrange additional Rs 225 billion annually, besides seeking political commitment and necessary policies to incorporate such investments in future.

Gopal Man Shrestha , vice president of Nepali Congress and Sharat Singh Bhandary, leader of Madhesi People's Rights Forum, stressed prioritization of economic agendas for economic development.

More than half dozen working papers are going to be presented on economic issues during the three-day summit.

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