Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CA passes guideline to elect

KATHMANDU, July 15 - The Constituent Assembly (CA) meeting Tuesday passed the guidelines for electing the president and vice-president which is scheduled to take place on Saturday (July 19).
As the major political parties locked horns over the presidential candidate and power-sharing in the soon-to-be formed government, the parties finally decided to put the issues to a vote at the 601 member CA.

As per the guidelines, both candidates need five CA members as their supporters and five members should propose their candidacy.

The candidates for the posts should file their candidacy by Wednesday (July 16) and the final list of the candidates would be published on Thursday.

The CA procedure advisory committee today decided to hold the elections for electing the new president and vice-president on July 19.

Likewise, the political parties have intensified their homework to elect the first president of the country and form a new government.

According to leaders, the parties have intensified consultations in a bid to form the new government within this week.

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