Thursday, May 8, 2008

The news

Title of Discussion: Is the seven-party alliance right in rejecting all elections under the current government headed by King Gyanendra?

Posted On : 2005-06-20

Parties are right at least in deciding to reject the municipal election. The royal government want to give a democratic cover to the autocratic rule. Going for any election without addressing the Maoist problem is nothing but a mere attempt to ameliorate the image of the autocracy. Parties should now try to accrue their political strength by bringing the Maoists to the political mailstream. Maoists too have to shun violence spread in the name of sedition. I wish the parties could be able to emancipate the country from the present political impasse.
Posted on: 2005-06-20 Posted by: Bishnu

It is wrong for the parties not to participate in elections. They are defying the very core principle of democracy is based on and they call themselves democratic?
Posted on: 2005-06-20 Posted by: Arun

Indeed the current government is "a continuation of absolutism," because there is no provision in Nepal's Constitution of 1990 that the King could form an artificial government with two chairmen. Also it was not envisaged that the political parties with 90% of the people's verdict would be neglected and declare the elections without their approval.
We are living in the 21st century. Who the hell is the king to go beyond the constitution and take decisions on his personal discretion.

Posted on: 2005-06-20 Posted by: PratapRana

Yes. Local elections under the present circumstances can never be free and fair. To think that municipal elections would serve as a step towards the restoration of full-fledged democracy in the country would be tantamount to refusing to learn our lessons from history. There is no half-way or shortcut to people's sovereign rights. But one troubling question that haunts many a mind even now remains: Will the seven parties would continue to remain united on their present agenda till the bitter end and not end up as always on a compromise remains to be seen?
Posted on: 2005-06-20 Posted by: P.P.Shah

If they believe in democracy they should not reject it.They should face the elections to normalise the pain of Nepal.
Posted on: 2005-06-20 Posted by: udhdab

Pages: 1


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How do you see the deferral of the govt-Maoist Summit Talks?
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Will the SC order banning smoking in public places be effectively implemented?
Will the PM's India visit bring in the expected assistance?
Do you think this round of government-Maoist talks will be a success?
What do you think of the House Proclamation-2063 B.S.?
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Are you hopeful that the recent gestures by NC President Girija Prasad Koirala and NC-D President Sher Bahadur Deuba will lead to the unification of the two parties?
Is the Supreme Court verdict on the RCCC case a triumph for the rule of law?
What do you think of the King's address to the nation on Feb. 1, 2006?
Should the municipal elections be called off?
Is the government ban on public assembly in the Kathmandu valley justified?
What do you think of the Maoists and seven-party alliance blaming the government for the ceasefire breakdown?
The Supreme Court has set the final verdict on the constitutionality of the Royal Commission for Corruption Control for Jan.5. Should the Commission be given continuity?
Is an election to a constituent assembly, as agreed by the seven-party alliance and Maoists in their 12-point understanding, the solution to the country's current crisis?
Do you agree with the Supreme Court verdict on writs against the media ordinance?
Should Afghanistan be included in the SAARC?
The government has set the deadlines for municipal and parliamentary polls. Are free and fair elections possible given the current political situation in the country?
Do you think Nepalese spend more than they can afford during the Dashain festival?
Do you think Cabinet Vice-Chairman Dr. Tulsi Giri's recent remarks are preplanned and premeditative?
Will the latest cease-fire announcement by the Maoists pave way for permanent peace in the country?
Is the government’s decision to hike the prices of petroleum products justified?
Is the recent Supreme Court order against government attempt to ban Nepal FM an indication that the ban on news broadcasts from FM radios will soon be lifted?
Has the Royal Commission given the right verdict by convicting ex-Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and others on Melamchi case?
The talk offered by Maoist Chairman Prachanda to the seven-party alliance is a step forward to resolve the political stalemate in the country?
Will the government lift its ban on FM news following street protests by journalists?
Tulsi Giri, vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, should resign after being blacklisted by Nepal Bank Limited for a loan default?
Does the worst Maoist attack on a civilian target yet signal that Prachanda has lost his grip over the Maoist command and control?
Should political parties open dialogue with Maoists?
Do you think the Indian authorities were aware of Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai’s reported Delhi visit?
Is the seven-party alliance’s demand and protests for the restoration of Parliament justified?
Do you think the government is right to claim that it has been successful in its first 100 days?

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